Ayurveda: the
Divine Science
Holistic Healing, based in Astrology
This is the fifth article in a remarkable series on Ayurveda by Prof. K. K.
Bhaumik, Chairman of Coordinating Council of Association of Astrology &
Allied Sciences. A renowned figure on astro-occult sciences, he is an
internationally acclaimed authority in this field. Though modern medicine and
curative methods do not recognize the role of divinity in the management of
diseases, Ayurveda is essentially a religious medical science, based in
astrology, which believes in holistic curing of ailments through a pronounced
spiritual methodology. Ayurveda helps opening our mind, soul and body to
cosmic forces of life and prepares human beings for spiritual re-examination
through its unique and highly metaphysical curative process.
He was a young, bubbling man of 31 when he was seriously maimed and mauled by
a street accident. His mobility was completely jeopardised as both his feet
were wasted. A series of major surgeries failed to make him stand on his feet
again and he lost all his desire to live when a renowned orthopaedic surgeon
advised him to seek divine blessings and a few exercises. Seven years later,
he now walks without any crutches, however, with a limp.
Power of Prayer -- and Exercise!
Sustained exercises helped him to regain the strength of his muscles, while
prayers seeking divine blessings helped him to get over the psychological
trauma. He gradually retrieved his faith in himself and developed a strong
desire to walk again. Prayers restored his desire to live. The miracle that
happened with the young man was largely due to his faith in divinity, which
restored in him a positive will and a faith in him.
Root Cause of Diseases
This lack of faith coupled with negative feelings often is the root cause of
diseases and their perpetuation. Hence, according to Ayurveda, the first step
to healing is to open up the mind to divinity or cosmic life forces through
restoration of positive feelings and an indomitable desire to be healed.
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Though modern medicine and curative methods do not recognize the role of
divinity in the management of diseases, Ayurveda is essentially a religious
medical science, which believes in holistic curing of ailments through a
pronounced spiritual methodology. Ayurveda helps opening our mind, soul and
body to cosmic forces of life and prepares human beings for spiritual
re-examination through its unique and highly metaphysical curative process.
Astro-occult Ayurvedic practitioners also recommend the wearing of gems,
either as rings or as pendants hanging down from the neck as a cure for
diseases after a thorough astrological calculation and identification of the
exact malefic planet and its negative influences. The doses are the size of
the gems.
According to vedic astrology, the fingers on our hands correspond to the five
- the little finger represents Earth
- the ring finger represents Water
- the middle finger represents Air
- the index finger represents Ether (Akasha)
- the thumb represents Fire
The planets ruling these fingers and elements are:
- Mercury (earth/little finger)
- Sun or Moon (water/ring finger)
- Saturn (air/middle finger)
- Jupiter (ether/index finger)
- No specific planet rules the thumb
By wearing gems related to the planets and elements on the appropriate fingers
one can amplify the powers of the elements, counter negative influences of
planets and enhance their benign influences on human life and body. The
process not only effectively reduces possibilities of diseases caused by the
malefic influences of planets by augmenting the powers of the elements, it
also helps in the curing process.
The chart given below shows the gems that correspond to the planets:
Red Coral
Yellow Sapphire
Blue Sapphire
North Lunar Node
South Lunar Node
Cat's Eye
The ancient Indian astrologers were not aware of the existence Uranus, Neptune
and Pluto in the universe and therefore no gems correspond to these planets.
Subsequently, with the discovery of the three planets, astrologers later on
have associated dark stones such as black coral or onyx with Pluto, iridescent
type of opals with Neptune and amethyst with Uranus. The vedic astrology,
however, took into reckoning the lunar nodes: Rahu and Ketu. While garnet is
prescribed for Rahu and cat's eye is for Ketu.
Precious Gems |
Substitutes |
Ruby |
Garnet or Sunstone |
Pearl |
Moonstone |
Emerald |
Peridot or Jade |
Yellow Sapphire |
Yellow Topaz or Citrine |
Diamond |
Clear Zircon |
Blue Sapphire |
Amethyst |
Herbs and Colours
Even herbs have been found to increase the benevolent energies of planets.
Black pepper, ginger, clove etc are good for Sun. They are primarily
stimulants and increase digestion, promote circulation etc. Cool, sweet and
salty herbs like sandalwood, Shatavari etc are good for the Moon. Such herbs
are mainly demulcent and emollient and are like a tonic for the lungs. Warm,
pungent and stimulant herbs like garlic, asafoetidas etc are recommended for
Mars. Mild and harmonising herbs like bhringaraj, jatamansi etc effectively
increases the energies of Mercury. Such herbs work miracle on human nerves and
mind and help maintaining a perfect balance of all the cosmic life forces.
Olive oil, sesame oil and ashwagandha are recommended for Jupiter. Lotus, rose
and saffron work miracle on Venus. Such herbs work on our hearts, kidneys and
human reproductive system, especially the female.
Colours too have miraculous healing properties and powers to neutralise
malevolent influences of planets on human health and mind. Colours can be used
in the same way as gems as colours too correspond to specific planets. Given
below some of the colours and their corresponding planets:
Planets |
[vedic colours vary
from Western colours] |
Sun |
Red |
Moon |
White |
Mars |
Dark Red |
Mercury |
Green |
Jupiter |
Yellow, Gold |
Venus |
Transparent, Variegated |
Saturn |
Dark blue, Black |
Rahu |
Ultraviolet |
Ketu |
Infrared |
Effective colour therapy entails bathing human body in the light of the
particular colour specifically required. A person can be exposed even more to
that particular colour through clothes, flowers, environment etc.
Ayurveda is intimately bound up with Astrology and with
the planetary rulerships of herbs, gems, and other natural items. The skillful
use of the correct remedy, as determined by its planetary rulership, can
neutralise the effects of malefic planets on our health and general
well-being. This valuable series of articles by one of the world's leading
authorities will be continued on this site over coming months.