Astronomia Vedica II
By Govind
Cosmological Time Cycles in
Eternal Astronomy, Sanatana Jyothis Saastra
Long before Copernicus, Galileo
& Ptolemy, Aryabhata propounded the Heliocentric Theory of Gravitation,
that all planets revolve around the Sun due to celestial gravity. The term
given to Celestial Gravity was Guru-tva-Akarshana, which also has a
philosophic meaning. Guru represents the Master, the Inner Sun, symbolic of
the Self and the planets that revolve represent the students who are on their
way to Self_Actualisation !
In Sanskrit Astronomy is known
as Khagola Sasthra and Aryabhata worked at an astronomical observatory called
Khagola. He studied at the University of Nalanda which housed more than 9
million books.
The Sexagesimal Division of a
Day ( Sixtieth Division )
The Life span of Breath is 4
seconds, called as an Asu or a Pranakala in Sanskrit. 6 such Asus constitute a
Vinadi and 60 such Vinadis constitute a Nadi. 60 Nadis is one day. In other
words, a day is 86400 seconds and 21600 Asus. This sexagesimal division of a
day is the base of Indian Astronomy. 15 such days constitute a Fortnight.
There are two types of Fortnights - Dark Fortnight ( Krishna Paksha ) &
Bright Fortnight ( Shukla Paksha ). These 2 fortnights constitute a month. Two
months together is one Rithu and there are six seasons ( Rithus ). Aries
& Taurus together is Vasantha, Gemini & Cancer Greeshma, Leo
& Virgo Varsha , Libra & Scorpio Sharath, Sagittarius &
Capricorn Hemantha and Aquarius & Pisces Sisira. Six months is
one Ayana and there are 2 types of Ayanas - Dakshinayana ( the southern
progress of the Sun, his declination South ) & Uttarayana ( the northern
progress of the Sun, his declination north ). 12 such months or 6 Rithus or 2
Ayanas constitute a solar year. Since precession is 72 years per degree,
one Age Cycle is 72*30 = 2160 years and 2 million Age Cycles is one
Cosmological Cycle.
The Cosmological Cycle is 4.32
Billion years, known as a Brahma day. The Life span of Brahma is 100 sidereal
years or 2*4.32*360*100 = 3.1104*10^14 years ! Indian Astronomy is graced by
such gigantic calculations starting from 1/21600th of a day to 3.1104*10^14
years !

The Ursa Major Cycle, Sapta
Rishi Yuga
The constellation of Ursa
Major, the Sapta Rishies move backwards along the Zodiac, staying in a
constellation for 100 years. To make a circuit of the Zodiac, they take 27*100
= 2700 years. This is known as an Ursa Major Cycle.
Remarks Prof Drayson in
"Asiatic Researches ", " The Indians thought proper to connect
their mythology with an astronomical period of a strange nature. It is that of
the Seven Rishies, moving along the Zodiac in a retrograde motion of 2700
years." Ursa Major was in Regulus at the start of the Mahabharatha
War. The first astronomical calender was erected by the Indian emperor
Vaivaswatha Manu ( circa 8736 BC ) and it was based on the Ursa Major Cycle.
D or Lunar Day ( Thidhi )
When we deduct the longitude of
the Sun from the longitude of the Moon, we get the Thidhi or Lunation
T, Thidhi = Lc, Long
Chandra - Lr, Long Ravi
D ( Lunar Day ) = Lm (
Longitude of Moon ) - Ls ( Longitude of Sun )
Thidhi = Chandra Sphuta -
Soorya Sphuta
The First Lunar Day is called
Prathama ( Moon within 12 degrees of the Sun ) , the Second is called
Dwitheeya ( Moon within 12 and 24 degrees of the Sun ) and we have 14 lunar
days before Full Moon. The 15th Lunar Day is Full Moon ( Pournami ).
When the Moon is conjunct at 0 degrees from the Sun, it is New Moon ( Amavasya
). All Indian religious festivals are based on the position of the heavens.
Prathama |
between 0 degrees and 12 degrees from the Sun |
Dwithyeeya |
between 12 degrees and 24 degrees |
Thritheeya |
between 24 degrees and 36 degrees |
Chathurthi |
between 36 degrees and 48 degrees |
Panchami |
between 48 degrees and 60 degrees |
Shashti |
between 60 degrees and 72 degrees |
Sapthami |
between 72 degrees and 84 degrees |
Ashtami |
between 84 degrees and 96 degrees |
Navami |
between 96 degrees and 108 degrees |
Dasami |
between 108 degrees and 120 degrees |
Ekadasi |
Moon betw een 120
degrees and 132 degrees
Dwadasi |
between 132 degrees and 144 degrees |
Thrayodasi |
between 144 degrees and 156 degrees |
Chathurdasi |
between 156 degrees and 168 degrees |
Pournami |
between 168 degrees and 180 degrees |
East & West Points on the
Celestial Horizon
East and West Points are two
intersecting points between the Ecliptic and the Celestial Horizon. If on the
Celestial Horizon, you mark E as East , W as West, N as North and S as South,
then NES is the Eastern Celestial Horizon, SWN is the Western Celestial
Horizon, ENW is the Northern Celestial Horizon & ESW is the Southern
Celestial Horizon.
Ayana Sandhis - Intersecting
Points between the Ecliptic and the Celestial Equator
The Ecliptic is slanted 23
degrees 27 minutes from the Celestial Equator. The intersecting points between
them are called as Ayana Sandhis. These Sandhis are not static. They have a
retrograde motion of 50.3 seconds per year. When the Sun crosses the
Celestial Equator from the South to the North, that intersecting Point is
Meshadi, the First Point of Aries and when he crosses the C E from North to
South that point is called Thuladi, the First Point of Libra. At the start of
the Dark Age ( Kali Yuga ), all planets were in the First Point of Aries. The
First Point of Aries was in the constellation of Beta Arietis or Aswini.
During the Vedic period, the First Point of Aries was in Karthika. That is why
in the Vedas, the constellations are counted from Karthika onwards. Now
Tropical Meshadi is behind Sidereal First Point of Aswini by 23 degrees 52
minutes. This motion of the Ayanas is called Precession.