Astro Meteorology 

Yesterday, rains hit the southern districts of Kerala. But no rain in Trichur or adjoining areas.

The truth of Global Warming has hit me. Also Climate Change. Also the World Water Crisis !

Hours Planetary

No Lord Hora Hour/ Min
1 VENUS Hora 614
2 MER Hora 714
3 MOON Hora 814
4 SATURN Hora 914
5 JUPITER Hora 1014
6 MARS Hora 1114
7 SUN Hora 1214


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Rains are ever there, even in Kerala, a state fashioned by the rains, where the landscape architecture is done by Nature Herself !

Venus, the watery planet, moves over to Gemini, to the 12th in India’s horoscope.  It augurs rains, but how much ?

The hot sidereal months of  Kumbham  Aquarius )   and Meenam   ( Pisces ) are normal in Kerala. Now we are facing Meda choodu ( the heat waves of Aries ) and there will some reduction of heat when Edavam ( Taurus ) takes over, from 15th May.


Astrologically, Edava Pathi, the last 15 days of the Sun traversing Taurus, is full of rains. Last years, rains were less even in Edava Pathi.

Kerala, normally, is blessed by two rainy seasons, Edava Pathi ( the last half of Taurus ) and Thula Varsham ( when the Sun traverses the 30 degrees of Libra ). Kerala receives rains thrice the national average. Annual rainfall is great as Summer Rains also grace Kerala. 440 mm summer rains on the average for the yearly rainfall scale. 

Fierce rains characterise Thiruvathira Jnattuvela, when the Sun traverses the constellation of  Aridra , for 14 days and Punartham Jnattuvela, when the Sun traverses the constellation of  Punarvasu, for 14 days. Also Makiryam Jnattuvela, when the Sun traverses the constellation of  Mrigasira. 

Now Kerala has more or less a semi arid, parched look. The rains can change all that. But Global Warming has affected Kerala. Climate Change has already occurred. Water Crisis is here to stay !

The Vedic seers gave prime importance to rains. This is indicated by their prayer

May there be plenty of rains and may the earth become fertile.

( Kale Varshe thu parjanya Prithvi Shasya Shalinee ).


Meteorology was founded by Aristotle and is considered as an atmospheric science. Jyotis Kalavastha Saastra, Astro Meterology is the science of the influence of the Solar transits of the constellations to produce different seasons. All seasons are caused by the earth's transits of the 360 degree Sidereal Zodiac.

The best books on Astro Meterology was by Kepler ( Mysterium Cosmographicum ) and Parasurama, The Krishi Geetha ).

A combination of Meteorology and Hydrology is known as Hydro Meteorology.



Tomorrow ( 15/05/2010), the Sun moves over to Taurus, thus ending the summer season of Kerala. The summer season is more or less from Dhanus ( Sagittarius ) to Mesha ( Aries ). These five months are reasonably hot.  Kumbham ( Aquarius ) and Meenam ( Pisces ) are very hot. Now Mesha ( Aries ) has also become very hot due to Global Warming and Climate Change.

From Edavam ( Taurus ) to Vrischika ( Scorpio ), we have relatively less hot months. Rains are severe during Edava ( Taurus ), Mithuna ( Gemini ) and Kataka ( Cancer ). Then rains become less during the months of Simha ( Leo ) and Kanya ( Virgo ), but still there will be intermittent rains. Rains peak again during Thula ( Libra ) and moderate rains will be there during Vrischika ( Scorpio ) till the summer season takes over.

There are the seasonal cycles of Kerala but then Global Warming and Climate Change are changing all seasons !

Indian Farmers do the planting basing on the Vedic Astronomical Calender. The knowledge of sowing and reaping. Such a subject is Bio Dynamics, which is part of Organic Farming and Anthroposophy.


Here is the Vedic Astrologic Calender.


Date                 Month ( Malayalam )          Sanskrit                 English                                                                    

14 Apr  - 14 May Medam Mesha Aries
15 May - 14 Jun Edavam Vrishabha Taurus
15 Jun - 16 Jul Mithunam Mithuna  Gemini
17 Jul-   16 Aug Karkatakam  Kataka  Cancer
17 Aug - 16 Sep  Chingam Simha Leo
17 Sep - 17 Oct Kanni Kanya Virgo
18 Oct - 16 Nov Thulam Thula  Libra
17 Nov - 15 Dec Vrischikam    Vrischika  Scorpio
16 Dec - 13 Jan    Dhanu            Dhanus       Sagittarius
14 Jan - 12 Feb Makaram  Makara      Capricorn

13 Feb - 14 Mar 

Kumbham Kumbha Aquarius  
15 Mar- 13 Apr   Meenam Meena    Pisces

There can be a one day variation, because of Leap Year.









