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Asthapadi VI, Sakhee He Kesi Madhana - Ode to the Lord


As per Indian Philosophy, the Union, Of Purusha and Prakriti, Being and, Nature, brought forth the Universe. This is symbolic of Cosmic Love,

How strangely is my mind,
Functioning, O friend !
Radha tells her confidante,
I cannot get angry !

With my beloved Krishna,

Even though He sports,
With the Upanishads or Gopis !
Am I not Nature Personified?


I yearn for my Lord,
That He may clasp,
Me to His bosom !
I am perplexed !

sakhee hE kESi madhana - guNa kriya - Eka
SlOkamgaNayati guNa grAmam bhAmam bhramadapi nEhatE
vahaticha pareetOsham dOsham vimunchati doorataha
yuvatishu valattrushNE krushNE vihAriNee mAmvinA
punarapi manO vAmam kAmam karOti karOmi kim ||

1nibhruta nikunja gruham gata yA niSi rahasi nileeya vasantam
chakita vilOkita sakala diSa rati rabhasa bharENa hasantam
sakhee hE kESi madhana mudAram
ramaya mayA saha madana manOradha bhAvitAya sAvikAram||sakhee||
The Lord was sitting
In a cottage, under a bower
Shook I with fear
My heart warmed for Him.


He has such handsome mien
He looked at me direct
Let Him fulfill my desire
As He fullfils the wishes
Of his dear devotees !


pradhama samAgama lajjitayA paTu chATu Satai ranukoolam
mrudu madhura smita bhAshitayA Sithileekruta jaghana dukoolam||sakhee|| |
The sweet Lord smiled at me !
He pulled my garment
I did feel shy, as He is always smart,
Steals He albeit ! The heart stealer !

kisalaya Sayana nivESita yA chira murasi mamai vaSayAnam
kruta parirambhaNa chumbanayA parirabhya krutAdhara pAnam||sakhee||
I was lying
On a bed of leaves
He lay on my chest
Embraced me


And  gave me
Nectar like kiss !
Purusha loves
His Prakriti dear !

alasa nimeelita lOchanAya pulakAvali lalita kapOlam
Sramajala sakala kaLEbarAya vara madana madAdatilOlam||sakhee||
I perspired,
Due to exhaustion,
I touched His cheeks,
My body tingled with ecstasy !


So engrossed was I,
In his grand acts !,
Without Him, how can I exist?
Without me, He is unmanifest !

kOkila kalarava koojitAyA jita manasija tantra vichAram
Slatha kusumAkula kuntalayA nakha likhita ghana sthana
Cuckoos were making
Sonorous sounds !
It seems the Lord
Is an adept in Love !


My hair got loose
I danced in ecstasy
With Him who is Lord !
The Lord of all this !
charaNa raNita maNi noopurAya paripoorita surata vitAnam
mukhara viSrunkhala mEkhalAyA sakacha graha chumbana dAnam||sakhee ||
My gem studded anklets,
Made tinkling noises,
Waist chain loosened,
The Lord caught my hair knot !


Embraced me, clasped me,
My desire fulfilled
In Love supernal !
So glorious He was !

rati sukha samaya rasAlasAyAdara mukuLita nayana sarOjam
nissaha nipatita tanulatAyA madhusudana mudita manOjam||sakhee||
My lotus eyes closed
When He met me !
He resembles Cupid
He met me so many times


We danced together,
Purusha and Prakrti,
Whose divine Union,
Brought forth the Universe !

Sri jayadEva bhaNita mida matiSaya madhuripu nidhu vana Seelam
sukha mutkanThita gOpavadhoo kadhitam vitanOtu saleelam||sakhee||
The poet Jaya Deva,
Sings this poem of Love,
Love of Prakriti,
For Purusha Supernal,


Whose union is Cosmos
This is the esoteric meaning
Symbolically depicted
By Radha's utterances !


To her confidante
Let this song celestial
Confer Bliss Absolute 
And grant you the State Eternal !

Translation By