Ashtapadi XVII - hari hari hatAdaratayA - Ode to the Lord
Hit by Cupid's arrows
The Lord repents
For causing pain
To Prakriti, Radha !
He roams in Vrindavan
For His beloved
He sat at last
By the side of Yamuna !
hari hari hatAdaratayA - bhupAlam - Adi
SlOkam itastata tAmanusrutya rAdhikA
mananga bANa vraNa khinna manasaha
krutAnutApassa kaLinda nandinee
tatAnta kunjE vishada madhavaha || ||
mAmiyam chalitA vilOkya vrutam vadhoo nichayEna
sApa rAdhatayA mayApi navAritAti bhayEna
hari hari harAtadaratayA
sA gata kupitEva||hari||
Radha has seen Me
In play with other Gopis
And abandoned Me
As a result !
Guilty Conscience gnaws me
Hence I prevented her not !
She must have lost
Respect for Me !
kim karishyati kim vadishyati sA chiram virahEna
kim dhanEna janEna kim mama jeevitEna gruhENa||hari hari||
Pangs of separation,
Afflict Radha,
What else can she do?
What can she say ?
All is rubbish
That is not Radha !
What use wealth,
If she is not with me ?
chintayAmi tadAnanam kuTila bhru kOpa bharENa
SOna padma mivOpari bhramatA kulam bhramarENa ||hari hari||
My mind is full
Of her face
In her eyes voluptous
I can see anger!
tAma hrudi sangatA maniSam bhruSam ramayAmi
kim vanEnusarAmi tA miha kim vrudhA vilapAmi||hari hari||
Why am I waiting
And searching for Radha?
In this forest deadly ?
I can make her satisfied
tanvi khinna masuyayA hrudayanta vAkalayAmi
tanna vEdmi kutO gatAsi natEna tEnunayAmi||hari hari ||
O Beauteous Radha
Thou art annoyed
By My behaviour rude
That is why you left !
druSyasE puratO gatAgata mEva mE vidadhasi
kim purEva sa sambhramam pari rambhaNam na dadasi kupitEva||hari hari||
I can see thee
Right before Me
You appear and disappear
In My Vision.
Why dont you embrace
Me in ecstasy now ?
kshamyatA maparam kadpi ta vEdruSam nakarOmi
dEhi sundari darSanam mama manmadhEna dunOmi||hari hari||
My offence needs pardon
Forgive, O Aristocratic One !
That mistake will not be repeated
I will look foolish without Prakriti !
How can I manifest Myself
With thy august body ?
As Cupid is tormenting Me
Appear before Me, please !
varNitam jayadEva kEna harEridam pravaNEna
bindu bilva samudra sambhava rOhinee ramaNEna||hari hari||
As Moon brightens sky
So also poet Jayadeva
Born in Bindu Bilva
Makes his lineage glorious !
Describes he with devotion
Purusha' love for Prakriti
Being's love for Becoming
Absolute's love for Relative !
Infinite's love for Finite
Krishna's love for Radha
Siva's love for Parvathy
Rama's love for Seea !
They are inseparable principles
Brahman and Maya
Shiva and Shakti
Purusha and Prakriti !
Translation By Govind Kumar