Ashtapadi XVI - Yahi Madhava - Ode to the Lord





Hit by Cupid's arrows

Radha's heart is heavy
She spent that night
Sleepless, tossing in bed !
Next morning Krishna came
To console her with words
But her replies
Smacked of envy !

yAhi mAdhava - bhairavi - Adi
SlOkam adha kadhamapi yAmineem vineeya
smara Sara jarjaritApi sA prabhAtE
anunaya vachanam vadanta magrE praNatamapi priyamAha sAbhyasooyam |

rajani janita guru jAgara rAga kashAyita malasa nimEsham
vahati nayana manurAga miva sphuTa mudita rasAbhi nivESam
yAhi mAdhava yAhi kESava mAvada kaitava vAdam
tAmanusara saraseeruha lOchana yA tava harati vishAdam||yAhi ||

O Krishna dishevelled thou art !
You kept awake last night ?
Red are thine eyes
With tired look
Did you enjoy
Company of others ?
Go back, O Beauteous One
To her who made you happy !

kajjala malina vilOchana chumbana virachita neelima rupam
daSana vasana maruvam tava krushNa tanOti manO ranu rupam||yAhi||

Thy lips are red
Due to Thy kisses
On the eye liner
Of some Gopi's
A nice decoration
It is, for Thy face !

vapuranu harati tava smara sangara khara nakha rakshata rEkham
marakata Sakala kalita kala dhouta lipEriva rati jaya lEkham||yAhi||
Thy body is full
Of nail marks
In Cupid's game
Like golden lines
On emerald !
May be your victory
As Thou art Lord



Of Cosmos entire !

charaNa kamala gaLa dalakta siktamidam tava hrudaya mudAram
darSayateeva bahirmadana druma nava kisalaya parivAram||yAhi||
The red color
Appled to the tender feet
Of some Gopika
Smeared Thy chest !
Like leaves tender
They adorn Thy body !

daSana padam bhavadadhara gatam mama janayati chEtasi khEdam
kadhayati kadha madhunApi mayA sahatava vapu rEta bhEdam||yAhi||
On Thy lips
Nail dents
I am melancholic
I am not wounded
But I suffer entire
Separation from Thee !

bahiriva malinataram tava krishNa manOpi bhavishyati noonam
kadhamadha vanchayasE janamanugata masama Sara jvara doonam||yAhi||

Like Thy blemished body
Full of nail marks
Your mind is blemished
As Thou torture
Those who are hit
By the arrows of Cupid !

bhramati bhavA nabalA kabaLAya vanEshu kimatra vichitram
pradhayati pootani kaiva vadhoo vadha nirdaya bAla charitam||yAhi||
To eliminate women
Thou wander  in Brindavan !
No wonder as Thou art
Killer, killer of Poothana !

Sri jayadEva bhaNitarati vanchita khanDita yuvati vilApam
SruNuta sudhAmadhuram vibudhA layatOpi durApam ||yAhi ||
O devotees wise,
Listen to taunting words
Of a woman cheated
By her Lover !
Prakriti cannot suffer
Pangs of separation
From Her sweet Lord !
He may love Upanishads
But not at Prakriti's expense !
Sweeter than Heaven's nectar
Are the words of Jayadeva !
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