Ashtapadi XII - yAmi hE kAmiha - Ode to the Lord

The Moon is rising
In the sky blue
Radha laments
For her delay
She has not met her Lord
She tells her grief
To her confidante !

yAmi hE kAmiha - mArvA - yati
P prasarati SaSidhara bimbE
vihita vilambEcha mAdhavE vidhurA
virachita vividha vilApam
sA paritApam chakArOchchaihi||

kadhita samayEpi hari rahaha nayayau vanam
mama viphalamida mamala roopa mapi yauvanam
yAmi hE ka miha SaraNam
sakhee jana vachana vanchitam ||

The Lord had not come
To Vrindavan
At the promised time
What is the use
Of my beauty and youth ?
Who is my Protector?
I am bamboozled
By other's talk !

yadanu gamanAya niSi gahana mapE Seelitam
tEna mama hrudaya mida masama Sara keelitam||yAmi||

I am exhausted
Searching for Krishna
During night
In the forest
He is vexing me
I am devastated
The arrows of Cupid
Pierce my heart

mama maraNamEva varamati vitadha kEtanA
kimiti vishahAmi virahAnala machEtanA||yAmi||

How can I endure
Pangs of separation
If Krishna be not here ?
Alone am I
At this rendezvous
Death is welcome
Than this Viraha !

mAmahaha vidhura yati madhura madhu yAminee
kApi hari manubhavati kruta sukruta kAminee||yAmi||

Without my Lord
All is dross !
How painful the pangs
Of separation
God forbid if
Some woman enjoys
With Him
May be due to her piety
Of a previous birth

ahaha kalayAmi valayAdi maNi bhushaNam
hari viraha dahana vahanna bahu dooshaNam||yAmi||

My heart is burning
I cannot bear
Pangs of separation
Isnt Bhakti
A state wherein
There is  no Vibhakti ?
Non separation from Self
How can I separate
From my own Self
Which He is !
I feel my ornaments
Are a total waste !

 kusuma sukumAra tanu matanu Sara leelayA
sragapi hrudi hanti mAmati vishama SeelayA||yAmi||

Ever flower garlands
Are causing pain
In my body physiologic !
Like Cupid's flower arrows
They gnaw at me
Give me restless nights !

ahamihahi nivasAmi na vigaNita vEtasA
smarati madhusudanO mAmapi na chEtasA||yAmi||

I remain here
Ignoring the effect
Of Vetas trees
Krishna is unmindful
Of my plight pitiable

hari charaNa SaraNa jayadEva kavi bhAratee
vasatu hrudi yuvatiriva kOmala kalAvatee||yAmi||

This eternal Song
This Song of Songs
Of the poet Jayadeva
Is submitted at the Lotus Feet
Of the Lord of the Universe
Let these sweet lines
Remain in devotees hearts !

Translation By  Govind  Kumar

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