Venusian Transit
As Transit Venus is in the 2nd lucky breaks can grace you- Vithasiddhim.
Solar Transit
As Transit Sun is in the 2nd your wealth may be taxed by the government. You will have excess wealth and will be an expert in business management Your shrewdness will bring home the bacon. On the negative side you may be afflicted by diseases on the face.
Martian Transit
As Transit Mars tenants your 5th -House relationships with children may be affected. Happiness from children may be affected by 5th Transit Many hindrances in the path of life indicated as the 5th is one of the moral triangles.
Mercurian Transit
As Mercury tenants your 2nd House you will be wealthy and endowed with education. Family life will be happy and healthy. Mercury endows you with entreprenauership & oratorial ability.
Saturnine Transit
1 Saturn is the most powerful malefic and his transit through the zodiacal signs are considered to be the most dreadful and significant from the perspective of fortune. You are in the middle of Sade Sathi (7 1/2 Sani). This is generally a bad period. As a man trying your best to emphasise your success you should be very careful and cautions. Enmity from your own people aimless wanderings breakdowns loss of confidence etc are predicted when Saturn moves through Janma Rasi which is the position now in your case. You may have to face humiliating situations and financial problems. This will be a heart breaking experience for a self respecting man like you. Determined and a disciplined prayerful approach to face problems is the need of the hour.
Transit of Nodes
TRANSIT of nodes - Rahu & Ketu Nodes stay in a sign for one AND A half years, as 18.6 years is the Nodal Cycle. Both are natural malefics. Their motion is retrograde. Orbits of Sun and Moon differ by 5 degrees. These two orbits intersect at 2 points and these points ate called the Nodes of the Moon. Ascending North Node is Rahu and Descending South Nodes is Ketu. Even though not planets, they are powefull determinants of behaviour. You will have the fortune to meet many eminent spiritual personages. This transit is neither good for children nor father. You may gain from speculation and investment. Even though this phase is good for economic gains- health problems may plague you. You can try TM- which can trigger the Relaxation Response- leading to good health. There will be tension galore and you can try Astro Therapy. Try the Rahu Mantra - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity. Beware of thieves. Also loss of largesse. You may be misunderstood by your family. On the positive side- there can be gains of a high order.
Jupiterian Transit
Jupiter is the most powerful planet in the astrological hier- archy. He stays in a sign for one year and his transit has got tremendous influence on an individual's life. Financial dimension comes within his domain. Financial tightness and enmity trouble from relatives mark the entry of Jupiter into the 4th. Domestic happziness takes a beating Worries on account of the loved ones. You worry more about their health. Financial strains compound your woes. The pandavas lost their kingdom when Jupiter transited the 4th and you are in a similar situation.
24/03/2025 ....... 15/05/2025 Jupiter turns benign and promotional prospects loom large. Progeny gives happziness. Mental peace dawns after a long time. Jewellery will be acquired by your wife. You also get an oppzortunity to acquire clothes and suite to satisfy the sartorial prejudices of society.
15/05/2025 ........ 16/05/2025
MOON stays in a sign for 2.5 DAYS. As Mind is the most power- ful element in the Universe ( Mind is omnipotent - Freud ), Luna assumes tremendous importance.Mind is its own place and can make a Heaven of Hell or a Hell of Heaven - averred Milton. 3 Ms - Mindi Medicine - Mother are signified by Moon - Mano Matharo Oushadho Sheetarasmi. Luna gives good results in 1 3 6 9 10 houses - Janma Upachaya samstha Gochara Indu.
Your mind may be upset by problems and mental peace makes a hasty retreat. Losses started earlier may continue for some more time. Economic prudence should be exercised and money management should be proper. You cannot afford to be careless as care and diligence bring luck.Financial problems have to be tackled properly without losing your sang-froid & equanimity. Vara Puja should be resorted to - fasting on Mondays - propitiating the Family Deity and reciting the mantra Om Somaya Namah.
Adverse Transit
Avoid risks during these days, indicated as they are by an adverse lunar transit 11/04/2025
12/04/2025 155.2072
The Dreaded Eighth Lunar Transit- Chandrashtama When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind. You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension= physical discomfort- delays in undertakings and travel- misplaced documents- sporadic clashes with partner - all these mark your pitiable state. During this 2 1/4 days- you are advised to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary representing the Mind- the Moon- traverses through the dreaded Eighth House- mental peace makes a strategic retreat.
Ashtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu