O Merciful Mother
Salutations to Thee
Who stand pervading all
Whose Form resembles the Universe
Whose Feet is revered by all
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !
The world meditates on Thee
Salutations to the Great Yogini
Salutations to Wisdom Personified
Salutations to Bliss Personified
Ever Blissful, eternally Blissful
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !
Thou art the only Refuge and Saviour
Of the orphan, the downtrodden and the unlucky
Who is trembling with fear
The coward with no guts
The one attached to the mundane
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !
Thou art the Sanctuary and Redeemer
Of people stuck in war, forest , fire and ocean
Of people amidst enemies
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !
Limitless and endless art Thou
Thou savest all, as Thou art part of the Infinite
Fearsome and awesome art Thou
From the ocean of misery Thou savest me
Thou art the only way
To cross this ocean of worldiness, Samsar
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !
The villainous Chanda was killed by Thee
Also the remaining enemies
Thow sowest the seed of rescue
Therefore Salutations to Thee
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !.
Thwamevaghabhava dhrutha sathya vadi,
Na jathajitha krodhanath krodhanishta,
Ida pingala thwam sushumna cha nadi,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 7
Thou art displeased by liars and sinners
Thou likest not those who do not reign in anger
Also those who do not have self-control
And those who violate Nature's laws
Thou art Ida, Pingala and Sushumna
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !
Namo devi durge shive Bheema nadhe,
Saraswathyarundathithyamogha swaroope,
Vibhoothi sachi kala rathri sathi thwam,
Namasthe jagatharini thrahi durge. 8
Hail Thee O consort of the Lord
Both Saraswathi and Arundathi Thou art
Thy Form is immeasurable
The Darkness of the Night art Thou
Thou art Sathi and Sachi
And who absolves the world
Save us, O Mighty Mother !
Thou art the only Refuge to Rishies and celestials
Also to animals, men and Adepts
To the punished and prisoners
To those suffering from diseases
The only Refuge Thou art !
Have mercy on us, O Mother Mighty !