The Zodiacal Sign of Leo comprises of the four quarters of Alpha Leonis ( Makha) , Delta Leonis ( Poorvaphalguni ) & the first quarter of Beta Leonis (Uttaraphalguni) .
For Leo Moon Signs
Venus in the 5th can give happiness from children.
Sun in the 4th can give fear of misery.
Mercury in the Third can give fear of enemies.
Jupiter in the Fifth can give prosperity.
Saturn in the 5th can destroy money and happiness.
This is the time to take calculated risks.
Lucky breaks should be exploited to the full.
You can start new relationships.
Ekagrata to succeed..
Transit of Rahu, the North Node
This is the time to store treasures in Heaven. Nature rewards good deeds. What goes around, comes around. If you help people, people will help you. You can try TM and Holistic Medicine, which can save you from tension and health problems.
You may be worried about children. Speculation is taboo. On the positive side, you may be interested in the Occult. You may socialise and gain recognition from society. Intellectual pursuits will be rewarded.
Chandrashtama - The Black Hole of Natal Astrology
When Transit Moon transits the 8th from Radical Moon, Chandrashtama is caused ( Janma Rasyashtame Prapthe Chandre Chandrashtamam Smritham ). You should avoid major decisions during this period as Luna's 8th transit is considered malefic ( Anishtan ) in Hindu Astrology.
Anything of the flesh will be affected during this phase of Ashtama Indu. Tension grips your mind. You become subject to Melancholia. Mental tension, physical discomfort, delays in undertakings and travel, misplaced documents, sporadic clashes with partner - all these mark your pitiable state. During this two and a quarter days, you are advised to pray and meditate as to quieten the mind and seek solace in the Eternal. As the luminary representing the Mind, the Moon, traverses through the dreaded Eighth House, mental peace makes a strategic retreat.
Be careful about these days 06 Dec to 07 DecAshtamendum cha Tad Rasim Varjayeth Sarva Karmasu .