I see Thee, O Lord, Agre Pasyami Thejo !

( The poet Melpathur when he had the Vision of the Lord ).

I see a Divine Lad
Surrounded by the Upanishads
His luster is incalculable,
The splendor of a thousand suns
Narada seems blissful
In His Presence
Upanishads, assuming female forms
Resemble the Gopis !


agrE pashyAmi thEjO nibidathara klAyAvale lObhaneeyam
piyushAplAvithOham thadanu thadudarE divyakAishOravEsham

thArunyA rambharamyam paramasukha rasAsvAda rOmAnchithAngai
rAveetham nAradhAdhyair vilasat upanishath sundaree mandalaishcha