The Transit of the North Node, Rahu II  By 

The North Node entered Sagittarius on Nov 17th and the South Node, Gemini.
The Nodal Cycle is 18 years and the Nodes stay in a constellation for 1.5

The Nodes are the determinants of behavior, being mathematcil points or
shadowy planets. Here we give the effects of the Transits of the Nodes.

The North Node causes quarrelling, mental worry and loss while transiting
the lunar Ninth.  Mind becomes a melting pot of mental turmoil as Melancholy
marks your for her own. Loss may accrue due to unexpected evernts.  Be
careful while handlng money. Enemies may find this a convenient time to
attack you.

Rahu’s mantra Om Rahave Namaha can save you from the troubles caused by the
North Node. Also fasting on Saturdays.


The North Node causes danger to life while transiting the lunar Eighth. 8th
Transit of Rahu may give some lucky breaks as well as some tense moments.
There may be temptations galore and you will have to exercise maximum
prudence and restraint. Be careful about the jealous. Also money handling.
You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave
Namah - in a state of purity. If you wear a Rahu Yantra, the North Node may
not trouble you.

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The North Node causes loss and fear  while transiting the lunar Seventh.
Loss may accrue due to careless money transactions. Health hazards may
manifest and the best way out is to take recourse to Rejuvenation Therapy.
This transit of Rahu may rob you of the much needed mental peace. The best
solution is to take recourse to Transcendental Meditation, which will give
you immense relief from the vexations of physique and psyche. You have to
take care of both body and soul, in other words. Tension from work will be
unbearable. You can resort to Astro Therapy by reciting the mantra of Rahu -
Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity.


The North Node causes pleasure and happiness while transiting the lunar
Sixth. In the Sixth he is always wecome. He is the bringer of happiness and
all sorts of comforts when he transits the Sixth.


The North Node causes financial loss and worry while transiting the lunar
Fifth. Mind is afflicted as the North transits the House of Mind. Money, if not
handled properly will be lost. You have to curb down expenditure, which has
a tendency to rise high.

Rahu’s mantra Om Rahave Namaha can save you from the troubles caused by the
North Node. Also fasting on Saturdays.


The North Node causes sickness, danger and sorrow while transiting the lunar
Fourth. Health should be cared for. Danger can be everywhere. Sorrow is of
two types - past regrets and future fears. There will be a dearth of
happiness during this phase. Many friends may turn hostile. There may be
problems from jealous relatives. Many relatives may turn enemies. You have
to put Altruism first and then you can develop both materially and
spiritually. You need the goodwill of the populace. Altruism is the essence
of life. During this adverse transit, you can rely on your inner spiritual
resources. All your efforts will be in vain, if you dont incorporate
patience and perseverance. Adversity is merely a test of fidelity. They are
part of the protractive trials of high Jove. You have to keep your
equanimity and presence of mind and not fall a prey to Melancholy.

Rahu’s mantra Om Rahave Namaha can save you from the troubles caused by the
North Node. Also fasting on Saturdays.



The North Node causes happiness and good tidings while transiting the lunar
Third.  You may get lucky breaks. You will resort to all sorts of tricks to
develop materially. While investing, you have to be judicious in your
decisions. In order to overcome health hazards, you can resort to
Rejuvenation Therapy  . Keep up Diet Control to avert diseases. If you want
to develop materially, you have to develop your 13 skills, the greatest of
which is adcopywriting. Writing and communication skills should be improved.
Also marketing and technical skills.


The North Node causes loss of wealth, quarrellings and misunderstandings.
while transiting the lunar Second. This Third Wave of Economics, the
Information Age, will see your interests in Technology rise high. There will
be more interaction with tecchies. You can indulge in spiritual activities.
You can use this period for the development of the 13 skills which are
needed in Business. Your writing and communication skills can be improved
during this transit. So also your marketing and technical skills. If you
improve your spiritual and social skills, it will fetch you fame which will
translate into professional enhancement. You can resort to Astro Therapy by
reciting the mantra of Rahu - Om Rahave Namah - in a state of purity. If you
wear a Rahu Yantra, the North Node may not trouble you.


The North Node causes sickness and fear  while transiting the lunar First.
Health should be cared for. Mind is afflicted by the Transit of the First House and
your health may suffer. Mental tension raises its ugly head.


The North Node causes expenses and danger while transiting the lunar
Twelfth. Expenses, which are normally difficult to contain, spiral beyond control, as Rahu transits the 12th.

You have to be very careful about driving. Do not take unnecessary risks. Money, if not handled properly, can be lost.

Rahu’s mantra Om Rahave Namaha can save you from the troubles caused by the
North Node. Also fasting on Saturdays.


The North Node causes happiness and acquisition of money while transiting
the lunar Eleventh. As the Eleventh is the House for the Fulfillment of all desires, Rahu gives a lot when transiting the House of Gains.

Now that the time is favourable, it is upto you to take calculated risks, which will bring home the bacon.


The North Node causes enmity while transiting the lunar Tenth. Despite the
heavy work load caused by 10th Rahu, you will get professional enhancement
and reputation. Be careful about human relationship principles. Dont let others misunderstand
you. There will be misunderstanding with near and dear ones. Only Love can destroy
misunderstandings. So use Universal Love as a weapon against misunderstandings.



