The 30 Muhurtas of Electional Astrology
Brahma Muhurta is defined as the penultimate Muhurta before Rise
and is given by the Equation
B M = Sunrise - 96 minutes to Sunrise - 48 minutes
Sunrise varies from day to day and from latitude to latitude.
Dawn and Dusk are ideal,
For Meditation & Prayer,
Infested with Positive Energy,
Brahma Muhurta is the best !
The Auspicious Abhijit Muhurta
Abhijith is the 28th constellation and is considered male-
in contrast to the 27 wives of the Moon- the 27 constellations
which tenant the Ecliptic,which are considered female.
Mythology has it that Moon used to stay with his 27 wives
and loved Rohini more. He is exalted in Taurus. Abhijith
starts from 6 deg 40 minutes in Sidereal Capricorn and
extends upto 10 deg 53 min 40 seconds in that Sign.
A Muhurta is 48 minutes or 2 Nadis ( 2* 24 minutes ). Diurnal
or nocturnal duration is divided by 15 and we get 15 Muhurtas
in a day. The 8th Muhurtha occurring in a day is the auspicious
Abhijith Muhurtha.
Computation of Abhijit Muhurtha for this Electional Hour
Most Auspicious Muhurtas
Muhurta = 48 minutes
Each M presided by a Star
First M = Sunrise + 48 mins
Sixteenth M = Sunset + 48
A Day = 30*48 mins
EXCELLENT MUHURTAS ARE,3,5,8,9,13,15 & 29
Prestar stend start end minutes
Ardra 6 44 7 30 404 450
Aslesha 7 30 8 16 450 496
Anuradha 8 16 9 2 496 542 EXCELLENT
Magha 9 2 9 48 542 588
Dhanishta 9 48 10 34 588 634 EXCELLENT
PoorvashadA 10 34 11 20 634 680
Uthrashada 11 20 12 6 680 726
Abhijith 12 6 12 53 726 773 EXCELLENT
Rohini 12 53 13 39 773 819 EXCELLENT
Jyeshta 13 39 14 25 819 865
Vishakha 14 25 15 11 865 911
Moola 15 11 15 57 911 957
Satabhisha 15 57 16 43 957 1003 EXCELLENT
Pooram 16 43 17 29 1003 1049
Uthram 17 29 18 15 1049 1095 EXCELLENT
Ardra 18 15 19 1 1095 1141
Poorvabadra 19 1 19 47 1141 1187
Utharabhadra 19 47 20 33 1187 1233
Revati 20 33 21 19 1233 1279
Aswini 21 19 22 5 1279 1325
Bharani 22 5 22 51 1325 1371
Karthika 22 51 23 37 1371 1417
Rohini 23 37 0 24 1417 24
Mrigasira 0 24 1 10 24 70
Punarvasu 1 10 1 56 70 116
Pushya 1 56 2 42 116 162
Sravana 2 42 3 28 162 208
Hasta 3 28 4 14 208 254
Chithra 4 14 4 59 254 300 EXCELLENT
Swati 4 59 5 46 300 346